
Sunday, October 13, 2013


Vanilla Extracts 
 The vanilla is ready!! Labels are done ...sealing the jars. We can't grow vanilla in Maine, but we can make vanilla extract!! Madagascar Vanilla Beans and vodka. Madagascar Vanilla Beans and vodka. Speaking of Gluten Free Tricia Thompson wrote in and article published in the Huffington Post , "The process of distillation separates substances that are volatile from those that are not volatile," gluten expert Tricia Thompson explained. Tricia's website is a well written go-to for gluten free information,she is a Gluten Free Dietitian  It seems she has answered many of the questions I posed just the other day on the note I started titled Gluten Free. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) Chaga mushroom,  has been used in folk medicine in Russia and other European countries for generations. Chaga draws nutrients from the tree it grows on and extracts the medicines from the inner layers of the bark. The active constituents are thought to be a combination of things but most importantly, betulinic acid. "Betulinic acid' Chaga starts it’s growth in the heart of the birch and slowly grows outward, over time Chaga resembles a charred knuckle protruding from the tree. Trees are the most powerful living beings in the world, some living over 10,000 years, and chaga draws it’s nutrients directly from this life force. Chaga has been said to: calm the nervous system have a positive effect against cancerous tumors positively affect various stomach diseases and ulcers stimulate the immune system reduce inflamation enhance liver health fight viruses be antibacterial be particularly high in copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and iron. In Russia,chaga was approved for public use against cancer by the Medical Academy of Science in Moscow in 1955. In addition to these many benefits chaga is also a great source of antioxidants, which are said to have anti-aging properties, fight free radical and oxidative stress. Some of the reported uses of the Chaga Mushroom:
 • allergy relief • Anti-aging • Anti-bacterial • Anti-Cancer, including lymphatic support • Anti-inflammatory • Anti-oxidant • Anti-tumor • Anti-viral • Arthritis • Asthma • Blood Pressure High (Hypertension) • Blood Pressure Low (Hypotension) • Blood Purification • Bronchitis • Cardio-Vascular • Crohn’s Disease • Diabetes • Fungal Growth • Heart Disease • Indegestion • Immune Support • Indegestion • Influenza • Intestinal Worms • Kidney support • Lowering Cholesterol • Liver support • Lung support • Pain Relief • Parasites • Sleep Cycle Support • Skin Ailments • Stomach Ailments • Yeast infections
 Chaga Mushroom can be found on white and yellow Birch trees in Canada the United States and Russia. Chaga mushrooms have the highest antioxidant concentration of any known natural food, more than the blueberry or the Acai Berry. Chaga boosts the immune system and helps detox the body. The antioxidants in Chaga tea can help guard the body against free radicals, environmental toxins, premature aging, Hypertension and cancer. Chaga has the highest reported Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) score of all natural foods or oils. The FDA has recommended that people should increase their antioxidant consumption to 7,000 ORAC units a day to help lower their risk of developing Cancer. Chaga can give a person a boost of energy to begin the day. But, Chaga tea contains no caffeine. Chaga is a good source of rare vitamins D and B, and many minerals. Chaga is a natualizer, a regulator a normalizer. Chaga,works to balances what is out of balance. Chaga is not, a quick fix a cure all or a hoax. As you get to know Chaga you change the way you live, quite naturally
. Disclaimer None of the opinions or claims on Carob's Chaga Farm, or That Other Stuff are to be taken as medical truths nor are they meant to diagnose or treat any disease. Instead, we provide you with this information to aide you on your own path of discovery, and on "that" path your best judgment is always the best choice.
Yarrow tea is a herbal tea that has been used for many generations Yarrow or (Achillea millefolium) was mentioned in ancient Greek mythology.Yarrow was the herb of the story of Achilles in Greek mythology. Achilles the greek God, many stories are told of him and his Mother and his Achilles heel , and the river Styx. As many variations as colors of Yarrow have been told and retold through the generations. Achilles heel is also used to reference an “area of weakness, a vulnerable spot. Yarrow the plant is also known as, soldier's woundwort, knight's milfoil, carpenter's weed. being tagged the blood stopping bandage by those Soldiers, Knights and Carpenters. The anti - inflammatory properties in the oils it contains camphor, eugenol, saponin among others is also benifit to have on the inside of the bandage. Last but not least the use of Achillea Millefolium is said to bring on sweating because of its, polyphenol flavonoids, some of the same polyphenol found in the red wine of the French said to be a contributing factor to the low numbers of heart disease of the French people, which I am certain is also a reason it is coined as tea or tonic used for depression and memory maintenance. The stories are as many and more of many colors of Yarrow. I grow the white one it has a magical light that seems to come from within and shows off quite nicely in a photo. I have tincture bottles readied and tea bags and tins lined up there will be plenty of Yarrow on the shelves this year. Check in often I'll put the shopping list up and you can check off the yarrow its in the bag. By the way bring a snack, it is also said to stimulate and appetite.P.S. Everything is better with Chaga.
Chaga, " It's a way of life." As with any member of the Asteracea family, there comes slight risk of possible sensitivity for some individuals, especially those with dermatological problems. As ever, always seek professional advice before using wild plants as medicines.

See more from the Medical Medium at Carob's "Chaga" Farm Chaga, " It's a way of life."