We are sad, angry, scared, disappointed today. Yesterday, 10 bags of Chaga Chai, 2 bars of soap, and a pint of Chaga Blue tincture were loving placed in the mailbox to be delivered to a customer. The time 11 am just a short while until the mail would be picked up. By 11:05 still to early for her to have arrived a car slowed and took the box with them.It is frustrating and sad and a little scary to have to think that possibly even one of our neighbors decided a federal offense being committed for a 12.00 box was necessary. I would feed anyone that is hungry help anyone that is in need.So, instead of sitting in this, with this and letting the feelings rule my day. I offer a prayer to the thief. God Bless you and keep you. Please protect the offender and those he or she loves and give them all that they need today. Amen