
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chaga and Chickweed

Chickweed (Stellaria media) is used as a cooling demulcent and expectorant to relieve coughs, bronchitis, and hoarseness. It is considered a nourishing tonic for improving overall energy levels, helps speed fat metabolism and can be a tool for weight loss programs. It is claimed to loosen a tight chest, reduce a fever and is used to complement cancer treatments and restore a feeling of health. Some have used it successfully to help conjunctivitis and other eye problems. Chickweed is full of Vitamin C a restorative health tonic can be made with Chickweed.
Externally Chickweed as an emollient, has a cooling and drying effect on wounds and skin problems. Minor burns respond nicely to chickweed as do burns, eczema, some even say impetigo. The medicinal properties of this common " weed's " nutritional properties make it a popular in salves and lotions.

We can customize a lotion of chickweed with different oils, other herbs and even some of our own garden scents or organic essential oils. Here at Carob's Farm we find, companioning with our own local Chaga, Chickweed borders next to perfect any way we use it.

Disclaimer: None of the opinions or claims on Carob’s Farm, Chaga Chasers or That Other Stuff are to be taken as medical truths nor are they meant to diagnose or treat any disease. Instead, we provide you with this information to aide you on your own path of discovery, and on “that” path your best judgment is always the best choice. Our very best to you.

Chaga, " It's a way of life."

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