
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Ice Storm 2013 Thank You Electrical Workers.

Santa came wearing a hard hat and driving a truck. There were more than one Santa this year and the hard hat and heavy clothing made it hard to tell in the darkness if it was a man or a woman teetering on the icy bucket reaching into the sky. The branch laden wires creaking and groaning as their cold heavy tools restored just a spark. The spark grew like magic and lit up the town and the switches that clicked , and heard all over town turned upside down smiles all back around. The coffee aroma is wafting all through the air , cookies are backing in ovens a flare. The danger they faced turned the furnaces on the heat hit the pipes and water restored. I thank you each one of you on the electrical crews each woman and man in your big heavy shoes. Be careful out there and know as you work through the cold and the ice and the darkness high above our roof. Each of us is grateful and so much in awe at the bravery and commitment you have shown through this storm. God Bless you and keep you each safe and Please God take each of them home to their own Christmas lights. Sincerely, Robin and many, many others in Maine.
Ice Storm Christmas 2013

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