
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yarrow Achillea millefolium Dispel the melancholy drink your tea!!

Yarrow tea is a herbal tea that has been used for many generations. Yarrow or (Achillea millefolium) was mentioned in ancient Greek mythology, it was the herb of the story of Achilles in Greek mythology. Achilles, the Greek God, many stories are told of him and his Mother and his “Achilles heel” and the river Styx. As many variations of the story as colors of Yarrow have been told and retold through the generations. “Achilles heel” is also used to reference an “area of weakness”, a vulnerable spot. Yarrow the plant is also known as soldier's woundwort, knight's milfoil and carpenter's weed. Being tagged the “blood stopping bandage” by those Soldiers, Knights and Carpenters. The anti - inflammatory properties in the oils it contains camphor, eugenol, saponin among others is also benifit to have on the inside of the bandage. Last but not least the use of Achillea Millefolium is said to bring on sweating because of its, polyphenol flavonoids, some of the same polyphenol found in the red wine of the French is said to be a contributing factor to the low numbers of heart disease of the French people, which I am certain is also a reason it is coined as tea or tonic used for depression and memory maintenance. The stories are as many and more of many colors of Yarrow. I grow the white one.  It has a magical light that seems to come from within and shows off quite nicely in a photo.  I have tincture bottles readied and tea bags and tins lined up.  There will be plenty of Yarrow on the shelves this year! Check in often I'll put the shopping list up and you can check off the yarrow its in the bag. By the way bring a snack, it is also said to stimulate and appetite!
P.S. Everything is better with Chaga.
                                              Chaga, " It's a way of life."

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